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Monday, August 24, 2020
A Critique on What Lips My Lips Have Kissed
Edna St. Vincent Millay’s What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, is an imagistic relapse into the psyche of a desensitized woman.â It brushes the spiritualist standards held inside closeness and sex, while additionally keeping up a fundamental attention to the author’s bisexuality.Though, the relationship marks of disgrace she addresses despite everything apply to human relationships today, this sonnet must be viewed as progressive for its timeframe and the women's activist movement.â In this article I mean to show how this sonnet, among a large number of Millay’s different works, have accomplished faction status, because of their nearby connection with her life.When Millay states What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why, I have overlooked, she is clearly alluding to her past darlings (MIllay). The perfect that gives more an incentive to this announcement is realizing that these sweethearts incorporate men, ladies and profoundly acclaimed laureates.â Sh e proceeds to utilize emblematic symbolism to imply the nearness of these lost lovers.Terms like, phantoms, feathered creatures, and obviously lips, are utilized to distinguish their essence all through the poem.â Millay compares herself to a tree, whose winged animals have disappeared individually (Millay).â This human association with nature adds to the sonnets interest and its mysticism.â The whole motivation behind her gloomy relapse is summarized toward the finish of the sonnet when she says,These last three verses summarize the principle reason of the sonnet and furthermore take after the sentiments of a lady who has been desensitized to intimacy.â This is a progressive situation for a lady to be in during the 1930’s to 50’s thinking about that the social desires for the American ladies were very strict.Men expected that ladies would turn out to be rowdy and sex crazed on the off chance that they encountered sex with more than one partner.â Millayâ€⠄¢s indiscriminate nature and her restless point of view certainly run contrary to the natural order of things of what society expected.â This defiant nature in the sonnet can be legitimately corresponded to encounters in Millay’s genuine as a promiscuous.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Investigating the effectiveness of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay Example for Free
Examining the viability of Mobile Antivirus Application on Android and Windows Mobile Phone Essay Section 1: Anti-infection Applications on Mobile Devices Cell phone against infection programming alludes to security programming programs which have been expertly evolved to shield gadget clients from infections, worms, Trojans and different noxious projects and expelling them where conceivable. Hostile to infection programming programs have of late picked up fame due the expanded frequencies of vindictive dangers of assault on the web. There are a few new infections that are identified on an everyday premise on the internet. While a portion of these infections might be innocuous, others are irritating and very damaging. Certain infections imitate themselves, yet others may make major issues the degree of deleting all information on a gadget drive. The utilization of hostile to infection for gadget insurance can be applied to different working frameworks including Mobile Windows and Android cell phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Antivirus programming works in different specialized manners to offer insurance to and expel infections from cell phones. This typically happen through two security filtering capacities in particular On-Access Scanning and On-Demand Scanning. The On-Access checking works continuously to guarantee a cell phone is secured consistently by observing for infections to any getting to in the cell phone, for instance while opening a record or opening an application. Notwithstanding of the way that this product hinders the speed of a gadget, its job in antivirus assurance is so basic and should along these lines be empowered consistently. On-Demand Scanning offers antivirus security just when actuated to filter a specific zone, organizer, document, or drive. The program at that point gives an output report about what number of infections that have been found in the checked thing. If an infection is identified, the program will advise the client and prescribe an activity which incorporates eit her to erasing or isolate the infection (iSoftwareReviews 2010). The quickly expanding headways of cell phone innovation to incorporate various valuable highlights have made android and windows cell phones mainstream pocket PCs. This expanded notoriety has not anyway accompanied its own misfortunes. Much the same as the customary PCs, android and windows cell phones have additionally been exposed to expanded infections assault. Infection assault has along these lines become the most recent and single greatest danger to the cell phone industry. Thusly, various organizations managing in programming have thought of hostile to infection for use in the android and windows cell phones. These are basically hostile to infection programming bundles created to give against infection assurance to cell phones (iSoftwareReviews 2010). There are various enemy of infection programming programs for cell phones that are accessible to the clients. The principle cell phone hostile to infection programming incorporates AhnLab Mobile Security, Avast! PDA Edition, Avira Antivir Mobile, BitDefender Mobile Security, BullGuard Mobile Antivirus, Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite, F-Secure Mobile Security, Kaspersky Mobile Security, and Norton Smartphone Security. AhnLab Mobile Security programming gives an answer for infections and worms insurance and evacuation. It runs under windows portable and android cell phones. Avast! PDA Edition is an antivirus insurance for PalmOS and Windows CE, Android telephones, and Pocket PC based gadgets (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Avira AntiVir Mobile gives proficient infection and malware assurance for pocket PCs, Windows portable and Android cell phones. BitDefender Mobile Security gives answer for infection assurance and evacuation for PDAs and Smartphone that sudden spike in demand for Windows versatile or Android cell phones. BullGuard Mobile Antivirus gives answers for securing Pocket PCs and Windows versatile against infections and different vindictive projects. Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite is intended to give against infection security answers for pocket PCs that sudden spikes in demand for Windows Mobile working framework. F-Secure Mobile Security is a finished versatile security programming bundle that incorporates against infection, hostile to spyware, a firewall and a remote control hostile to robbery highlight for insurance. Kaspersky Mobile Security additionally gives a total insurance bundle including Anti-robbery assurance, infection assurance, firewall and hostile to spam for SMS, EMS, and MMS . Norton Smartphone Security offers hostile to infection, against spam, and firewall for Windows versatile and Android portable insurance (iSoftwareReviews 2010). Ensuring an android and window cell phone from assault requires a total comprehension of all application correspondence. This is significant in light of the fact that product can possibly ensure a gadget if and just in the event that it can peruse a similar data as the cell phone gadget, accordingly application layer dangers. It may not be conceivable inside the innovative structure for antivirus programming to comprehend application correspondences or investigate application conduct through the profound assessment of interruption counteraction parcels, regardless of whether on singular premise or when reassembled into their unique succession. Essentially, organize level antivirus may identify few known, effectively recognizable security dangers by basically inspecting pre-modified examples (Citrix Systems 2006).  Installation of antivirus is the most popular method of ensuring android and windows cell phones. The best sorts of antivirus are the application firewalls since they work at the application layer rather than the system level. The application firewalls can authorize right application conduct while forestalling any vindictive movement. This is on the grounds that the firewalls can investigate the genuine web correspondence and comprehend the setting of all customer solicitations and application reactions through which they are sent to the web. A total cell phone security application needs to offer full insurance of the considerable number of components of an application just as clients of the application. As a rule be that as it may, security applications for cell phones are just restricted to the application program and application information (Citrix Systems 2006). Postulation Statement In spite of web gadgets proceeding to confront noteworthy security dangers, cell phones go totally unprotected while web perusing, downloading applications, checking email, leading web based banking and interfacing with long range interpersonal communication destinations like Twitter and Facebook. While versatile assaults are expanding quickly and programmers are monetarily inspired to take information, personalities, and catch corporate interchanges, it has gotten basic to secure cell phones, for example, android telephone and Windows telephones. Foundation of the investigation Cell phone security is the way toward forestalling and identifying unapproved utilization of your framework. Anticipation estimates help you to stop unapproved clients (otherwise called interlopers) from getting to any piece of your cell phone framework. Discovery encourages you to decide if somebody endeavored to break into your framework, on the off chance that they were effective, and what they may have done. We use android and windows versatile for everything from banking and contributing to shopping and speaking with others through email or visit programs.â Although you may not consider your correspondences top mystery, you presumably don't need outsiders perusing your email, utilizing your telephone to assault different frameworks, sending fashioned email from your telephone, or looking at individual data put away on your telephone, (for example, fiscal reports). There are an assortment of antivirus programming bundles that work from multiple points of view, contingent upon how the merchant decided to actualize their product. What they share for all intents and purpose, however, is that they all search for designs in the records or memory of your Smartphone that show the conceivable nearness of a known infection. Antivirus bundles recognize what to search for using infection profiles (now and again called marks) gave by the merchant. New infections are found every day. The adequacy of antivirus programming is subject to having the most recent infection profiles introduced on your Smartphone with the goal that it can search for as of late found infections. It is critical to stay up with the latest. Section 2: Android Phone Emulators An android cell phone is a telephone fitted with a lot of programming comprising of working frameworks, middleware and other significant applications. The primary highlights of android incorporate application system for encouraging reuse and substitution of segments, Dalvik virtual machine which is improved for cell phones, upgraded designs, a coordinated program, media instruments for basic sound, video and still picture positions, SQLite for organized information stockpiling, and GSM Telephony. Different highlights incorporate Bluetooth, Camera, and Rich improvement comprising of a gadget emulator, devices for troubleshooting, memory and execution profiling. Android innovation is reliant on Linux variant 2.6 to control the principle framework overhauling including security, memory the board, process the executives, organize stack, and driver models (Android Developers 2010). Android innovation is comprised of a multi-process framework in which every application runs in its own procedure. A standard Linux office is liable for organizing security between various applications, for example, client and gathering recognizable pieces of proof doled out to the applications in Android cell phone. The essence of the security applications is based on the idea that no application, of course, approaches play out any activity with a capability of antagonistically affecting on different applications, the working framework, or the client. The applications that the Linux office must concede authorization incorporate perusing or composing the user’s private information, perusing or composing another application’s document, performing system access, and keeping the gadget alert. The consent that an application requires is measurably announced in that application with the goal that Linux office can ace the forthright during introduce
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Thanksgiving COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Thanksgiving COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog This Thursday and Friday, November 27th and 28th, the Admissions Office will be closed in recognition of the American holiday, Thanksgiving. Please be aware that we will not respond to phone calls or emails until Monday, December 1st when we reopen after the holidays. We encourage you to learn more about our programs and application here. Long holiday weekends are excellent opportunities to get started on the application! As a reminder, our upcoming deadlines for fall 2015 entry are January 5th, 2015 (for fellowship consideration) and February 5th, 2015 (the final application deadline). Have a wonderful holiday! Photo courtesy of Inga Sarda-Sorensen
Friday, May 22, 2020
Is There Any Evidence for Cannibalism in Dinosaurs
A few years ago, a paper published in the distinguished scientific journal Nature bore an arresting title: Cannibalism in the Madagascan Dinosaur Majungatholus atopus. In it, researchers described their discovery of various Majungatholus bones bearing Majungatholus-sized bite marks, the only logical explanation being that this 20-foot-long, one-ton theropod preyed on other members of the same species, either for fun or because it was especially hungry. (Since then, Majungatholus has had its name changed to the slightly less impressive Majungasaurus, but it was still the apex predator of late Cretaceous Madagascar.) As you might have expected, the media went wild. Its hard to resist a press release with the words dinosaur and cannibal in the title, and Majungasaurus was soon vilified worldwide as a heartless, amoral predator of friends, family, children, and random strangers. It was only a matter of time before The History Channel featured a pair of Majungasaurus in an episode of its long-extinct series Jurassic Fight Club, where the ominous music and portentous narration made the offending dinosaur seem like the Mesozoic equivalent of Hannibal Lecter (I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti!) Notably, Majungasaurus, aka Majungatholus, is one of the few dinosaurs for which we have indisputable evidence of cannibalism. The only other genus that even comes close is Coelophysis, an early theropod that congregated by the thousands in the southwestern U.S. It was once believed that some adult Coelophysis fossils contained the partially digested remains of juveniles, but it now appears that these were actually small, prehistoric, yet uncannily dinosaur-like crocodiles like Hesperosuchus. So Coelophysis (for now) has been cleared of all charges, while Majungasaurus has been pronounced guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But why should we even care? Most Creatures Will Be Cannibals Given the Right Circumstances The question that should have been asked upon the publication of that Nature paper wasnt Why on earth would a dinosaur be a cannibal?, but rather, Why should dinosaurs be different from any other animal? The fact is that thousands of modern species, ranging from fish to insects to primates, engage in cannibalism, not as a flawed moral choice but as a hardwired response to stressful environmental conditions. For example: Even before theyre born, sand tiger sharks will cannibalize each other in the mothers womb, the biggest baby shark (with the biggest teeth) devouring its unfortunate siblings.Male lions and other predators will kill and eat the cubs of their rivals, in order to establish dominance in the pack and ensure the survival of their own bloodline.No less an authority than Jane Goodall noted that chimps in the wild will occasionally kill and eat their own young, or the young of other adults in the community. This limited definition of cannibalism applies only to animals that deliberately slaughter, and then eat, other members of their own species. But we can vastly expand the definition by including predators that opportunistically consume their packmates carcasses--you can bet that an Africa hyena wouldnt turn up its nose at the body of a two-days-dead comrade, and the same rule doubtless applied to your average Tyrannosaurus Rex or Velociraptor. Of course, the reason cannibalism evokes such strong feelings in the first place is that even supposedly civilized human beings have been known to engage in this activity. But again, we have to draw a crucial distinction: its one thing for Hannibal Lecter to premeditate the murder and consumption of his victims, but quite another for, say, members of the Donner Party to cook and eat already-dead travelers to ensure their own survival. This (some would say dubious) moral distinction doesnt apply to animals--and if you cant hold a chimpanzee to account for its actions, you certainly cant blame a much more dim-witted creature like Majungasaurus. Why Isnt There More Evidence of Dinosaur Cannibalism? At this point you may be asking: if dinosaurs were like modern animals, killing and eating their own young and the young of their rivals and gobbling down already-dead members of their own species, why havent we discovered more fossil evidence? Well, consider this: trillions of meat-eating dinosaurs hunted and killed trillions of plant-eating dinosaurs during the course of the Mesozoic Era, and weve only unearthed a handful of fossils that memorialize the act of predation (say, a Triceratops femur bearing a T. Rex bite mark). Since cannibalism was presumably less common than the active hunting of other species, its no surprise that the evidence thus far is limited to Majungasaurus--but dont be surprised if additional cannibal dinosaurs are discovered soon.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Athanasia Human Impermanence and the Journey for Eternal...
Athanasia: Human Impermanence and the Journey for Eternal Life in the Epic of Gilgamesh â€Å"Will you too die as Enkidu did? Will grief become your food? Will we both fear the lonely hills, so vacant? I now race from place to place, dissatisfied with whereever I am and turn my step toward Utnapishtim, godchild of Ubaratutu†(Jackson â€Å"Gilgamesh Tablet IX†4-9) Gilgamesh so much feared death that he threw away his honor as a warrior in order to obtain immortality. For centuries there have existed individuals who yearn for everlasting life. A journey that so many have traversed, but have failed in the attempt. The ideology surrounding immortality transcends time and a plethora of cultures. The theme, immortality appears in stories from the†¦show more content†¦The life that he once lived is shattered into pieces and he finds it difficult to return to his former glorious self; this is the first time in Gilgamesh’s life that he has ever felt the emotions of fear. Gilgamesh is afraid to die. The inevitable fate that has plagued humanity for ages, death, has now become the greatest barrier that he must overcome. The immense scope that separates death from eternal life is breached, this crossover leads to a paramount connection between the supernatural and mortal universe. Gilgamesh, two thirds god, and one third human is left at the intermediary. His metamorphosis will establish a sense of restitution in his life. Along these lines, even though Gilgamesh existed â€Å"thousands of years ago, he remains immortal in a sense that we still refer to him and his story†(Sadigh 85). Enkidu is a primary character in the epic, his death dramatically changes the personality of Gilgamesh. His metamorphosis and death makes evident the innate rhythm of life, which represents the link that he has with nature. With love, and self-realization, Enkidu eventually becomes a friend to Gilgamesh. Readers are able to see the merging of Gilgamesh’s divine stature with Enkidu’s wild nature, which in turn changes Enkidu from a simple beast to a figure that is larger than life (Harris 122). He essentially becomes an equal to Gilgamesh. Enkidu undergoes the following transformation: From the barbarian man that he once was,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Smog as Air Pollution Free Essays
utNowadays pollution is becoming more and more serious problem, particularly air pollution. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the chemical elements of the atmosphere have changed. Along with the development of industrialization, air pollution has spread and now it is a global issue. We will write a custom essay sample on Smog as Air Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many kinds of air pollution, one of them is smog. Smog can come from many areas, particularly factories and transportation systems, but there are some differences between developed and developing countries. In developed countries, highly developed industry is the main reason that smog is serious, they mostly use fossil fuels. However, developing countries started to industrialize, so increasing number of factories is the most important cause of smog and they always use the coal or wood burning. More and more people using cars and motorcycles also is a reason about that. Those of us who live in large cities are familiar with smog air pollution; the familiar brown haze resting over the city on a still day. We need to know what smog contains and where it comes from, as well as the health and environmental impacts of this hallmark of industrialization. There are two categories of smog to be covered: classic smog and the more recently described photochemical smog. Classic Smog In its most primitive and basic form, smog air pollution is the result of the burning of fossil fuels. It has several major components: 1) Smoke, which is tiny particles of ash, is released from the smokestacks of coal fired power stations. Coal power plants are now on the whole designed to trap this ash, called fly ash, which can be used to great effect in the concrete industry. These tiny particles contain not only carbon residue, but also silicon dioxide, calcium oxide and traces of heavy metals. If inhaled these can pose significant health risks. The silicon dioxide in the fly ash alone can cause lesions, scarring and inflammation of the lungs. 2) Sulfur Dioxide. Sulfur is present in all fossil fuels and is released as Sulfur Dioxide when the fuels are burned. Sulfur Dioxide reacts with oxygen gas to give Sulfur Trioxide. This then can react with water to give Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4). Another possibility is that the Sulfur Dioxide reacts immediately with water to give Sulfurous Acid (H2SO3). Either way, the acid produced is highly reactive and capable of causing significant damage to crops, soil, buildings and more. Several industrialized nations now employ technology that captures approximately a third of Sulfur Dioxide from the emission gases of power stations, greatly reducing the problems of acid rain. Photochemical Smog This is a far more noxious mixture of chemicals than classic smog air pollution. Significant inroads have been made to reduce the main contributors to classic smog. Such efforts in relation to photochemical smog are still in their early stages. Photochemical smog air pollution is a mixture of various chemicals that react with sunlight to produce new chemicals. This is where the name comes from; photo means light and chemical means chemical, or product of a chemical reaction. The chemical reactions involved are complex and while they are important, we need to know the source of these pollutants and their effects. The chemicals involved need to be addressed separately. The three main ingredients are Nitrous Oxides, volatile organic compounds and Ozone. Carbon Monoxide is a toxic byproduct of fossil fuel combustion but is considered separate to photochemical smog. London smog disaster One of the famous smog with all bad effects is London Smog which was caused by heavy coal combustion during the winter of 1952, The weather in Greater London had been unusually cold for several weeks leading up to the event because of the cold weather, households were burning more coal than usual to keep warm. The smoke from approximately one million coal-fired stoves, in addition to the emissions from local industry, was released into the atmosphere. Increases in smoke and sulfur emissions from the combustion of coal had been occurring since the Industrial Revolution and the British were familiar with these types of smog events. At times, the smoke and emissions were so heavy that residents referred to the events as ‘pea soupers’ because the fog was as dense as pea soup. However, while the area had experienced heavy smog in the past, no event had caused such problems as the weather event in December, 1952. Thousands of tons of black soot, tar particles, and sulfur dioxide had accumulated in the air from the heavy coal combustion. Estimates of PM10 concentrations during December, 1952, range between 3,000 and 14,000? g/m? with the high range being approximately 50 times higher than normal levels at the time. PM10 is particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in diameter. Conditions for Londoners today are much better with PM 10 concentrations around 30? g/m?. Estimates also suggest that sulfur dioxide levels during December of 1952 were 7 times greater than normal at 700 parts per billion (ppb). The weather preceding and during the smog meant that Londoners were burning more coal than usual to keep warm. Post-war domestic coal tended to be of a relatively low-grade, sulphurous variety (economic necessity meant that better-quality â€Å"hard†coals tended to be exported), which increased the amount of sulphur dioxide in the smoke. There were also numerous coal-fired power stations in the Greater London area, including Battersea, Bankside, and Kingston upon Thames, all of which added to the pollution. Research suggests that additional pollution prevention systems fitted at Battersea may have actually worsened the air quality, reducing the output of soot at the cost of increased sulphur dioxide, though this is not certain. Additionally, there were pollution and smoke from vehicle exhaustâ€â€particularly from diesel-fuelled buses which had replaced the recently abandoned electric tram systemâ€â€and from other industrial and commercial sources. Prevailing winds had also blown heavily polluted air across the English Channel from industrial areas of Continental Europe. There was no panic, as London was renowned for its fog. In the weeks that ensued, however, statistics compiled by medical services found that the fog had killed 4,000 people. Most of the victims were very young, elderly, or had pre-existing respiratory problems. In February 1953, Lieutenant-Colonel Lipton suggested in the House of Commons that the fog had caused 6,000 deaths and that 25,000 more people had claimed sickness benefits in London during that period. Most of the deaths were caused by respiratory tract infections from hypoxia and as a result of mechanical obstruction of the air passages by pus arising from lung infections caused by the smog. The lung infections were mainly bronchopneumonia or acute purulent bronchitis superimposed upon chronic bronchitis. More recent research suggests that the number of fatalities was considerably greater, at about 12,000. The death toll formed an important impetus to modern environmentalism, and it caused a rethinking of air pollution, as the smog had demonstrated its lethal potential. New regulations were implemented, restricting the use of dirty fuels in industry and banning black smoke. Environmental legislation since 1952, such as the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1954 and the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968, has led to a reduction in air pollution. How to cite Smog as Air Pollution, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Picture Of Dorain Gray Essays - English-language Films
The Picture of Dorain Gray The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is the story of moral corruption by the means of aestheticism. In the novel, the well meaning artist Basil Hallward presets young Dorian Gray with a portrait of himself. After conversing with cynical Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian makes a wish which dreadfully affects his life forever. "If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that" (Wilde 109). As it turns out, the devil that Dorian sells his soul to is Lord Henry Wotton, who exists not only as something external to Dorian, but also as a voice within him (Bloom 107). Dorian continues to lead a life of sensuality which he learns about in a book given to him by Lord Henry. Dorian's unethical devotion to pleasure becomes his way of life. The novel underscores its disapproval of aestheticism which negatively impacts the main characters. Each of th e three primary characters is an aesthete and meets some form of terrible personal doom. Basil Hallward's aestheticism is manifested in his dedication to his artistic creations. He searches in the outside world for the perfect manifestation of his own soul, when he finds this object, he can create masterpieces by painting it (Bloom 109). He refuses to display the portrait of Dorian Gray with the explanation that, "I have put too much of myself into it" (Wilde 106). He further demonstrates the extent to which he holds this philosophy by later stating that, "only the artist is truly reveled" (109). Lord Henry Wotton criticizes Basil Hallward that, "An artist should create beautiful things but should put nothing of his own life into them" (Wilde 25). Ironically, the purpose of Basil Hallward's existence is that he is an aesthete striving to become one with his art (Eriksen 105). It is this very work of art which Basil refuses to display that provides Dorian Gray with the idea that ther e are no consequences to his actions. Dorian has this belief in mind when he murders Basil. Here we see that the artist is killed for his excessive love of physical beauty; the same art that he wished to merge with is the cause of his mortal downfall (Juan 64). Lord Henry Wotton, the most influential man in Dorian's life, is an aesthete of the mind. Basil is an artist who uses a brush while Wotton is an artist who uses words: There is no good, no evil, no morality and immorality;there are modes of being. To live is to experiment aesthetically in living to experiment all sensations, to know all emotions, and to think all thoughts, in order that the self's every capacity may be imaginatively realized (West 5811). Lord Henry believes that, "it is better to be beautiful than to be good" (Wilde 215). Although he attests that aestheticism is a mode of thought, he does not act on his beliefs. Basil Hallward accuses him saying, "You never say a moral thing and you never do a wrong thing" (5 ). However, Lord Henry does take the immoral action of influencing Dorian. Although Lord Henry states that, "all influence is immoral" (Wilde 18), he nonetheless drastically changes Dorian Gray. As Dorian acts on the beliefs of Lord Henry, the portrait's beauty becomes corrupted. "Lord Henry presents Dorian with the tenants of his New Hedonism, whose basis is self-development leading to the perfect realization of one's nature" (Eriksen 97). If Lord Henry's aesthetic ideas have validity ,Dorian Gray's portrait should not become ugly, but rather more beautiful. Since the picture becomes loathsome, it is evident that Lord Henry's beliefs are untrue (West 5811). Dorian becomes so disgusted with the horrible portrait that he slashes the canvas, and the knife pierces his own heart. Because Lord Henry is responsible for influencing Dorian Gray, he is partly the cause of the death of Dorian (5810). While Lord Henry is indirectly the cause of Dorian's death, he too causes his own downfall. L ord Henry changes Dorian with the belief that morals have no
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